
Lost Mine of Phandelver: Part 1

A seemingly random group of mercenaries have have found themselves in the service of Gundren Rockseeker, who has hired them to escort a wagon to Barthen’s Provisions in the mining town of Phandalin.  Led down the road by the tortle monk “Hunag” the gnomish druid “Chaya Gamad”, the aptly named lizardfolk wizard *cough* “KC Lizard Wizard” *cough*,  and the elven warlock “Sakrant K’rum” deftly steered the cart safely through the wilderness. 

But the same could not be said for Gundren, who had gone ahead of the party with his guard Sildar the day before. Unfortunately the group discovered Gundren’s slain horses blocking the road ahead, and as they investigated the scene….. BREEEEEEEEEEYARK! Goblins jumped from the bushes and embankments flanking them and leveling a devastating rain of arrows. Many fell, rose again, only to fall once more, but through persistence and a fair bit of luck our adventurers managed to overcome the goblin threat. 

Quickly realizing brute strength wasn’t the forte of the party, the adventurers deviated from their course and more cautiously and carefully followed the goblin’s trail into the forest. In doing so, they fortunately spotted and disarmed the crudely created goblin traps and came upon the entrance to a cave. 


Using stealth and terrain to camouflaged their approach, the adventurers turned the tables on the goblins, quite literally leaving them sailing down the river….

As they entered the dank wet cave through the river, they were accosted by a pack of wolves who were chained to the wall. Once again using their wits instead of their arms, the heroes fed the wolves placating them into a feeding frenzy on some rations rather then their legs. Unfortunately the group was spotted by a goblin scout on an upper level bridge, and experienced the goblin version of a slip-n-slide as the tunnel filled with an unprecedented volume of water forcing some of the party back to the cave door. Rather the continuing up river, the party climbed the loose gravel of a previous cave-in and wandered through several winding tunnels which reeked of goblin. 

Upon reaching the goblin’s lair, the party gained entrance by convincing them they were wandering scimitar merchants simply there to pander their wares. But as they were negotiating the sale of their beautiful blades and the potential disposal of the “big bad” who lives on the other side of the cave, they noted the wounded and bound human prisoner being held captive. The party struck with such ferocity against the goblin chieftain whipping him off his feet that the remaining tribe surrendered before his body hit the floor with an uncomfortable sounding *crunch*.

With the goblins in check, the party turned to freeing the captive whom they learn is Sildar, Gundren’s bodyguard. He doesn’t know where their shared employer has been taken, but is willing to fight along side the party in taking down the “big bad bugbear” in the other half of the cave in hopes of rescuing Gundren. With that, the hour grows late as our party deliberates where to go next…..

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